A cash loan can be used to pay bills on time, get the things you and your family need, or cover unexpected expenses like car repairs or medical emergencies. Our simple online product makes it easy to get the cash you need directly from the privacy of your own home. Don't let waiting for your next paycheck make life more stressful than it has to be. You can get a cash loan today and have it in your checking account as soon as tomorrow*.
You may ask why it makes sense to use a cash loan to pay debts or bills when it will simply act as more debt. The primary reason is that it will most likely cost you much less in the long run compared to the late charges or overdraft fees you might incur from neglecting to make payments on other bills. A cash loan can be an excellent source of quick liquidity that can help protect you from falling too far behind. Yes, the interest rates may be higher than many loans, but you are paying for convenience and timing. Consider the kinds of charges you will owe without using a cash loan and compare it to the interest to determine the savings each alternative would provide.
When you pay back a cash loan from Plain Green, you won’t get stuck with hidden charges or fees. There are no prepayment penalties, and you can reduce interest paid by paying off your loan early.
The number and actual size of your payments depends on the amount of your loan and the frequency of your payment schedule. To make the payment process easier, the payment schedule can be scheduled to match the frequency of your paychecks. This will help avoid a similar timing situation to the one that might have caused you to need a loan in the first place. If your employer pays you every two weeks, the loan payments can also be scheduled every two weeks. If you are paid monthly, the loan payment could be arranged to only be required once per month. This feature helps you to stay current with your loan and avoid late or missed payments.
Automatic payments can also save you the time and expense of writing out checks and remembering to mail them in time. If you choose automatic payments, the amount will automatically be deducted on the payment due date. Many people choose automatic payment processing to prevent any interruption that might cause extra charges or fees. We also offer the convenience of accepting debit card payments online.
Cash loans are quick, simple, and convenient solutions that provide assistance in time of emergency needs. They make it possible for people around the world to manage life's little financial surprises without suffering the costs of late payments or bounced checks and can save you from embarrassment or stress. Sometimes you need cash now to cover emergencies, rent, bills, repairs, or special circumstances, and cash loans can bridge the gap.