When you need money fast for an unexpected financial emergency, installment loans can be a quick, convenient and confidential way to take care of your monetary needs. Installment loans are often an excellent solution to your problem. If you need a plain and simple borrowing alternative, Plain Green can provide you a secure, simple, and fast avenue to get your money. What are installment loans? They are a means of borrowing money for various reasons including short-term financial needs that allow you to repay the loan over time and at rates typically far less than payday loans. Once you receive your money, you simply make regular payments until your balance is paid off. Your payment will be the same for the entire time that you carry a loan balance. Easy budgeting, predictable payments and a definite loan pay-off date can take a lot of worry off of your mind. Plain Green will even schedule your payment dates to match your job’s pay schedule so you’ll be less likely to miss a payment. We offer automatic payment processing, e-mail notification of upcoming due dates, and online access to your account to make your experience hassle-free.
You can pay off your online loan in installments, or you can pay it off at any time with no penalties. Unlike many financial institutions, we allow and even encourage you to pay off your loan early to reduce your overall interest and finance charges. We charge no fees or penalties for early repayment—you pay interest only for the time that you have the loan.
Plain Green offers easy online application with no application fee Courteous and friendly customer service professionals who treat you with respect No paperwork, No Office Visit, and No Waiting in line* Convenient affordable payment options including extended terms Pay-off at any time without a penalty
As you shop for an installment loan, you may question how your approved loan amount was determined. Don’t get discouraged if you are not approved for the full amount that you requested on your first loan. Plain Green offers loans from $500 to $1,000 for first-time customers; however, as you build a successful payment history, you can qualify for more on future loans.
We believe in plain and simple pricing and terms. Plain Green offers installment loans with steady, predictable payments, flexible due dates, and absolutely no hidden fees or early pay-off charges. Apply in confidence and easily anytime – twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. And if you want to talk it over with someone, our customer service representatives are professional, courteous and happy to help.
So if life has handed you a little surprise your budget wasn’t quite prepared for, consider all of your options and make a decision that works best for your situation. And remember, at Plain Green, we provide plain and simple installment loans to help manage life’s unexpected expenses. Apply online or call us. You could have cash in your account as soon as the next banking day.*